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Mansfield Town Community Trust strives to ensure that everyone in our care or attending our activities feel safe and free from risk of harm. The Trust takes its safeguarding responsibilities very serious and we are committed to creating a safe and positive environment for everyone.


We believe that everyone at the Trust shares the responsibility for the safeguarding children and adults at risk, so our policy and practices are applicable to everyone involved. The staff and partners working with the Trust will work tirelessly to embed the culture of safeguarding across every aspect of the Trust and its activity. We are committed to having the right people involved through a robust recruitment process that includes checks, training, monitoring.


The Trust complies with government legislation relating to safeguarding children and other adults at risk. We also adhere to our regulatory requirements set by the Football Association, Premier League and the Nottinghamshire County Council guidelines.


We will develop and implement effective policy, appropriate procedures and good practice in order to protect all children and adults at risk who attend the Trust’s activities. Our safeguarding policy is a comprehensive resource that provides information on how good practice is embedded and promoted across Trust activities. This is available upon request.


To report a concern, please email

Contact a safeguarding member

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